Using Nintendo to advertise this website free of charge


Howdy everybody! After a hiatus, I am back. I took some time off from editing this site in order to clear my mind and get some fresh ideas and concepts for what I want to do in the upcoming months. In that time, I’ve been busy advertising this website, free of charge, using Nintendo Network. How you may ask?


There have been a handful of ways I’ve been able to do this, but the most successful method has been from trading away glitched shiny Pokémon nicknamed ‘REW-VM.COM’ to many people across the world. It has SIGNIFICANTLY increased traffic to this website.


This may sound foreign to some people so let me explain. Shiny Pokémon are miscolored Pokémon that have a 1/8000 chance for you to legitimately encounter one in game. Basically, they’re rare, and highly sought after. Introduced in the second generation of Pokémon, Shiny Pokémon have a crazy cult following where many players obsess over obtaining certain ones. This is where my Pokémon experience and glitching expertise comes in handy.

In 2017, Nintendo and Pokémon company rereleased the second generation of Pokémon games; Gold, Silver, & Crystal, for their then current handheld system, the Nintendo 3DS. The second generation Pokémon games are notorious for being extremely glitchy and buggy, and in the hands of the right person, they can exploit these glitches to easily obtain and mass duplicate shiny Pokémon. This is exactly what I’ve been doing, and I’ve been nicknaming these shiny Pokémon ‘REW-VM.COM’ to eventually trade away to some random person around the world. I do the process using what’s known as ‘Box Code glitches’, which is essentially running arbitrary code in game, confusing the game based on the Game Boy’s cartridge’s lack of eternal memory. When these games were rereleased, Nintendo was sure to make it so Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal were compatible with Pokémon Bank, which is a service where it makes it easy to send Pokémon to other games, including the newest generation for Nintendo Switch. I would mass duplicate these Pokémon (usually rares and legendaries like Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-oh, and the dogs and birds), and send them off to Pokémon Home, to be sent all around the world using the Wonder Trade system. The Wonder Trade system is a in game mechanic where you’re matched up with a random person worldwide, and you two trade a random Pokémon to each other. I consider these Pokémon as a business card essentially, and even though my target audience isn’t a bunch of Pokémon players, it’s nice to watch my traffic grow exponentially and seeing people all around the world visit my website.


Another method I’ve been using is going into games such as Super Smash Brothers and Mario Kart and beating people with an account named after this website. That method has worked good, but not nearly as well as the shiny Pokémon wonder trade method. If you see me online in Mario Kart, bring your A-Game, and be prepared to hear me talk about my Tilt Controls in lobby every chance I get.


If you were one of the people brought here by my glitched Pokémon, you’re welcome, and also, feel free to contact me if you would like Pokémon without a Nickname. I appreciate everybody who visits my website, whether it be for one second, or sticks around and browses.


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