Zero’s United States of Whatever Tour - The Slab DIY Park - Panama City, Florida - July 2017

The Zero Team rolls into Panama City, Florida while filming for their then upcoming video, Damn It All. They put on a demo at The Slab DIY Skatepark that was put on by Relief Skate Supply. Skaters that stopped by are Dane Burman, Tony Cervantes, Tommy Sandoval, Jamie Thomas, Reggie Kelly, Chris Wimer, James Brockman, Winsor James, and Kurt Hodge.

Reggie Kelly - Ollie over the nipple

Reggie Kelly - Ollie over the nipple

Winsor James - Backside Smith Grind

Winsor James - Backside Smith Grind

Jamie Thomas - Shooting Roman candles while the Zero Team skates the box

Jamie Thomas - Shooting Roman candles while the Zero Team skates the box

Kurt Hodge - Frontside Bluntslide on the box while being shot with roman candle rounds. He was literally on fire at one point in the demo.

Kurt Hodge - Frontside Bluntslide on the box while being shot with roman candle rounds. He was literally on fire at one point in the demo.

Chris Wimer & Jamie Thomas - Clean Backside Crooked Grind while being sniped by The Chief

Chris Wimer & Jamie Thomas -
Clean Backside Crooked Grind while being sniped by The Chief

Tony Cervantes - Kickflip Backside Tailslide while being shot at by Jamie Thomas

Tony Cervantes - Kickflip Backside Tailslide while being shot at by Jamie Thomas

Chris Wimer - Kickflip Backside Noseslide

Chris Wimer - Kickflip Backside Noseslide

Reggie Kelly - Backside Smith Grind on the rainbow rail while bring filmed by The Chief

Reggie Kelly - Backside Smith Grind on the rainbow rail while bring filmed by The Chief

Winsor James - Backside Overcrook 180 out

Winsor James - Backside Overcrook 180 out

James Brockman - Frontside Bluntslide to fakie

James Brockman - Frontside Bluntslide to fakie

Chris Wimer - Frontside Crooked Grind

Chris Wimer - Frontside Crooked Grind

Tony Cervantes - Backside Nosegrind Backside 180 out

Tony Cervantes - Backside Nosegrind Backside 180 out

Kurt Hodge - Frontside Tailslide, Frontside Flip Out

Kurt Hodge - Frontside Tailslide, Frontside Flip Out

Tommy Sandoval - Rainbow Rail Grind

Tommy Sandoval - Rainbow Rail Grind

Kurt Hodge - Backside Tailslide

Kurt Hodge - Backside Tailslide

Tommy Sandoval - Backside Nosegrind Nolle 360 Frontside Shovit out

Tommy Sandoval - Backside Nosegrind Nolle 360 Frontside Shovit out


Miami Skateboarding


Creature Skateboard's The Creature Video Tour - Kona Skatepark