JJ Davila’s 2017 Part

JJ Davila and I were planning on filming a full length video with a couple other friends from October 2016 - March 2017. Unfortunately, plans with the other people we were planning on filming it with fell through, and JJ and I were the only ones motivated to get it done. JJ skated only Miami spots, including a bunch of OG and new spots. Guest tricks from Matt, Tony Salgado, and Robby.

Tony Salgado’s Part from 2018

Footage filmed from 2016 - 2017 from Tony Salgado. Originally a late addition to the full length, old footage and some filler was used to complete his part after not being able to film due to schedule differences. Tony rips parks and spots all around Florida. We were able to skate some OG Miami Spots as well. Part was released a year after JJ’s because I wasn’t sure how much useable footage in total I had.