Fakie Frontside 50-50 down the Arizona Handrail

Fakie Frontside 50-50 down the Arizona Handrail

Switch Nosegrind down the Arizona Handrail

Switch Nosegrind down the Arizona Handrail

Backside Nosegrind down the Arizona handrail

Backside Nosegrind down the Arizona handrail

Backside Smith Grind down the entire kink rail at Tampa Pro 2020 (website host wouldn’t let me post the edited version)

Backside Smith Grind down the entire kink rail at Tampa Pro 2020

(website host wouldn’t let me post the edited version)

Frontside Alley Oop Five O on the indoor door gap at Tampa Pro 2020

Frontside Alley Oop Five O on the indoor door gap at Tampa Pro 2020


Jake Yanko


Jesse Villamor