Boardslide down the new longer handrail at TF305 - 2017
Backside Wallride; post AHOL SNIFFS GLUE facelift - 2018
Grainy Frontside 5-0 Grind, Frontside 180 out - 2017
Ollie the hip at Tallahassee Skatepark - 2018
College Ave. - 2019
Ollie down the Euro Gap at Tallahassee’s DIY Park - 2019
Nollie into the Euro Gap - 2019
Backside grind in the deep end of Tallahassee Skatepark’s Bowl with a Powell Peralta reissue
Group hill bomb down College Ave consisting of Matt, Alex Quiroes, and Myself. Only Matt and I made it down without bailing.
Photos: J. Nelson - 2018
Backside Boardslide down the old Tallahassee Skatepark “handrail” before it was taken out - 2019