Arsenal Upgrade

With the invasion of HD skateboarding footage coming within the past couple of years, I’ve started to grow bored of fancy 4k footage and started realizing the importance and cult following of SD DVmini tape 4:3 footage skateboarders are so used to seeing. I’ve always enjoyed filming wide angle shots, however I’ve only filmed with a GoPro and Death Lens VX1000 Handle, and it always felt like underwhelming with way too much dead space. I couldn’t get too up close, because I could possibly cut the skater’s head or board off in the shot, and definitely couldn’t film clearly from far away, based on how the GoPro only films wide angle. I’ve always thought the GoPro was a camera owned by only young kids who used it as a first camera or the average pretentious vlogger dweeb. I never liked to whip it out at parks or in public on a busy day, so filming at something like a demo or contest was a huge no-go. When designing this website, I wasn’t sure how often I’d be able to update my Videography section due to the lack of desire to film with my DSLR or GoPro.

However, I’m proud to announce the acquisition of my first SD camera, the Canon GL1. I was browsing Craigslist one day and found it being sold with a wide angle lens, an ultra wide angle lens, and many other accessories for only $150! The GL1 is also in mint condition and came with eight DVmini tapes. The professor I bought it from recently made the switch to HD to film and upload his lectures more efficiently, and was looking to get rid of the camera as soon as possible. I was in the market for a Sony VX1000, but due to the extreme cult following and rarity, I was forced to settle. I’m happy I’m using a Canon to keep my arsenal consistent with my film SLR and DSLR. I’m still very stoked to start recording at contests and competitions as well as taking still photos. I still haven’t figured out how I’m going to do both at the best of my ability, but I still have time. I’m excited to be able to add video as well as still photos to the upcoming events in my Coverage, and I’m excited to try to expand my coverage to try to feel like the complete package.


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