Life Changes
17 days before gameday - 2021
I’ve been trying to keep up with this website, but unfortunately I’ve been busy at work. A couple of weeks ago I accepted a job at Florida State University, and I’ve been consumed with learning my new job. It’s a nice feeling to have a job at the University, it’s a seven minute skate from my house, its a job with good pay, benefits, & consistent hours, and I basically get paid to have season tickets to all home Florida State Football games. Ever since moving to Tallahassee, I’ve had a hard time either finding a good job or getting decent & consistent hours. I’ve worked in some of the worst jobs I’ve ever had while living in Tallahassee, and its so refreshing to work something fairly new. My life will (thankfully) revolve around Florida State Football.
With that being said, I am trying to get my schedule straight in order to update this site frequently. With guerrilla advertising tactics, photo ideas, and rolls upon rolls of unused colored film, I should have this site running at 100% shortly.
Enjoy these videos of the Seminoles winning their three National Championships, two of which were won with the late Bobby Bowden. As of today, first gameday vs. Notre Dame is only 16 days away.